Friday, June 26, 2009


This picture is of 1 ounce of our dried Shitake Mushrooms that we have in stock right now and they are on sale for $1.50 an ounce. We also carry Porcini, Morel, Chanterelle, and a Gourmet Medley which are also drastically reduced and ready to be shipped to your home. We bought way to many so are offering them for a very low price. Dried mushrooms are wonderful to have on hand and can be added to almost anything.

Our mushrooms have a 2 year shelf life when stored properly either in a cool, dry place or in the freezer.

To use Dried Mushrooms as fresh, reconstitute by simmering in water for 15-20 minutes, drain or reserve liquid for further use (makes a great broth). Use 2 parts water to 1 part product. Seal the unused portion of dehydrated mushrooms in a bag, and they'll still maintain their fresh taste for approximately 2 years when stored properly.

1 oz = 8 ozs rehydrated

We have drastically reduced prices on many of our products because we over bought. These can all be found in our

eBay store

All are hermetically sealed and labeled with expiration dates of approximately 1 year. We specialize in selling Spice Blends from Around The World, Chili Peppers (from mild to the hottest), Barbecue Rubs, Sea Salts, Curries and more.

On a personal note: May Michael Jackson rest in peace. He will always be remembered and adored by his millions of fans for the fabulous artist that he was/is. I know this one will.

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